
A change of direction.
a new place for exploration.

welcome to lilomm life. A new place to explore and connect with living resources that can help you.

What is lilomm life?
It’s our way of acknowledging that YOU are part of something bigger. Its our tribute to our community, our passions, our lives.

lilomm life is a place to learn more about who we are , what our lives are like and what resources have helped us along the way.

Over the past few years, a number of our most loved students and teachers have moved away from DC.. I have been thinking about and wanting to find a way to continue to connect in a larger sense, away from the actual studio in DC. I

I wanted to create a place of visual and concrete resources so that you can learn about what we do behind the scenes… What we read, what we watch, who we follow..

Often, these gems are shared in between classes, in person and at the studio.. but by creating an online platform where we can go a bit deeper into the larger context for the work we do, the people we are and how we want to be in the world.

lilomm life is about our spiritual connections, our passions in life, our relationship to ourselves and to those around us.

lilomm life is about community.. it’s about how we serve and live in our world and do it with purpose.

a lilomm life is one where we asks lots of questions and most certainly do not have all the answers!

We hope that somewhere in here.. you feel supported, you feel connected, you feel inspired to LIVE in the ways that give you joy, that feed your soul.

We want lilomm life to be a portal for ideas, growth, and mostly love.

cozy up and enjoy.

If you want to submit any writings or ideas to be featured please email info@lilomm.com.